If you need a car but have been turned down because your credit is less than ideal, you have options at Fort Myers Mitsubishi. Several lenders provide car buyers with what are known as “subprime loans”. Subprime loans give buyers with poor credit, no creditor limited credit histories, the opportunity to finance the purchase of a vehicle. Many auto dealers work with third-party lenders who are willing to work with customers with poor credit. Fort Myers Mitsubishi is able to use our financing network to work with your credit and find you a car you love.
There are a few basic steps to take when seeking financing with poor credit.
Lenders vary in what they require, so you’ll want to do some research to prepare these commonly requested items.
If you are approved, please make sure you have these items with you:
If you are looking for a car, truck, or SUV loan, apply online at Fort Myers Mitsubishi. Our one-page application form is quick to complete and we provide an instant decision on your request. For any questions and to speak with a helpful service representative, contact us or give us a call at Fort Myers Mitsubishi to discuss your personalized finance options.
Fort Myers Mitsubishi, Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL, USA